Hikers along a trail in front of a large oak tree

2024 Sudden Oak Death Blitz Surveys

(Karl Gohl)

Midpen, University of California, Berkeley and several local conservation organizations are teaming up for the annual Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Blitz from May 18-21. This community science project is looking for volunteers in the Bay Area to help gather, test and analyze bay leaves to determine whether or not the trees have been infected by the deadly disease.  

This state-wide effort is spearheaded by the UC Berkeley’s Forest Pathology and Mycology Lab and is supported by local agencies and volunteer scientists across the state. Midpen has been particularly active in this effort since first detecting SOD in Long Ridge Open Space Preserve in 2000.   

“Even after 20 years of research on SOD, oak tree species across the state continue to suffer,” Midpen ecologist Arianna Camponuri said.   

The results from 2023 showed that there were positive detections in several Midpen preserves, including but not limited to El Corte de Madera, La Honda Creek, Skyline Ridge and Long Ridge Open Space Preserves.   

“After a rainy winter like last year’s, oak trees are at more risk of SOD than usual,” Camponuri said. 

Phytophthora ramorum, the waterborne pathogen that causes SOD, thrives in the cool, wet climates of coastal evergreen forests and spreads through moist winds, stream water and soil moisture.   

“That’s why it’s especially important that we head out to the preserves this year, after another wet winter,” Camponuri said. “The data generated will help inform researchers, land managers and the public, so we can all collectively manage the spread and impact of this disease to the greatest extent possible.”   

Those who wish to participate in this year’s event can do so on their own directly through UC Berkeley's registration process or join Midpen’s efforts. Midpen participants will need to attend a mandatory one-hour training on the morning of Saturday, May 18 at Midpen’s Los Altos Administrative Office. They will then have the weekend to go out to select Midpen preserves to collect data in support of the project. Samples will need to be returned to the Midpen Administrative Office by Monday, May 20, so Midpen can submit them to UC Berkeley for testing.

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