View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl
Additional Information

Special Meeting at 5 p.m.


Consistent with Government Code section 54953(e), and in light of the declared state of emergency, the meeting will not be physically open to the public and all members will be teleconferencing into the meeting via a virtual platform. To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, members of the public can listen to the meeting and participate using the following methods.


1. The meeting can be viewed in real-time at: or listen to the meeting by dialing (669) 900-6833 or (346) 248-7799 (Webinar ID 897 0980 8836)

2. Members of the public may provide written or oral comments by submitting a public comment form at:

  • Comments on matters not on the agenda must be submitted prior to the time the board president calls for public comments.
  • Comments on agenda items must be submitted prior to the time public comment on the agenda item is closed.
  • All comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern speaker comments at the board of directors meeting.
  • All written comments or requests to speak must be submitted via the public comment form. Requests to provide oral comments may be made by leaving a message at 650-772-3614.
  • Any comments received after the deadline, will be provided to the Board after the meeting.
Meeting Agenda



1. Purisima-to-the-Sea Regional Trail and Parking Area Feasibility Study –Opportunities and Constraints Analysis and Project Vision and Goals (R-21-147)  

Staff Contact: Gretchen Laustsen, Senior Planner, Planning Department

General Manager’s Recommendations:

1. Receive a presentation on the Purisima-to-the-Sea Regional Trail and Parking Area Feasibility Study’s Opportunities and Constraints Analysis.

2. Review and confirm the proposed Project vision and goals, with any modifications as directed by the Board of Directors, to guide the future selection of a preferred regional trail alignment and development of conceptual parking area design alternatives.

Following the staff presentation and questions from the Board of Directors, the public will be invited to participate in a facilitated public workshop that will include breakout rooms. During the workshop, members of the public may provide feedback on the Purisima-to-the-Sea Regional Trail and Parking Area opportunities and constraints analysis and/or on the preliminary data collection results of the Purisima Multimodal Access Study. At the conclusion of the public workshop, the Board of Directors will take comments from the public on the agenda item and deliberate before taking a vote.


*Times are estimated and items may appear earlier or later than listed. Agenda is subject to change of order.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Clerk at (650) 691-1200. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Spanish language meeting materials are available upon request. With at least 48 hours’ notice, simultaneousEnglish to Spanish translation services are available for the public meeting. If you are interested in these services in order to participate in the meeting, please contact District staff at

Los materiales de la reunión estarán disponibles en Español a pedido. Con al menos de 48 horas de anticipación, los servicios de traducción simultánea del Inglés al Español serán disponibles para la reunión pública. Si usted está interesado en estos servicios para poder participar en la reunión, favor de comunicarse con el personal del Distrito en

Written materials relating to an item on this Agenda that are considered to be a public record and are distributedto Board members less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, will be available for public inspection at the District’s Administrative Office located at 330 Distel Circle, Los Altos, California 94022.

Regular Meeting agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. Special Meeting agendas are posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings take place at the District Administrative Office - 5050 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022

Meeting minutes are generally available two to four weeks after a Board meeting. Please note that formal meeting minutes are not taken at Committee meetings or some Special Meetings of the Board (that is, study sessions or public workshops). See Midpen meeting minutes.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Clerk at or 650-691-1200. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.