lichen on fence

Bay Area Older Adults Earthquake Excursion

Karl Gohl
February 21, 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Los Trancos Preserve
Approximate Total Miles

Join Midpen partner, Bay Area Older Adults, for a moderate, three-mile hike with 500 feet of elevation change at 274-acre Los Trancos Preserve located in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

This preserve is an ideal spot to learn about earthquake geology because the San Andreas Fault, one of the world's longest and most active faults, splits the preserve. As we walk through the forest, our expert guide will teach us about historically significant earthquakes in California, the USGS shake alert, and earthquake safety tips. We stop for a social picnic lunch before our return.

Transportation from Cupertino, CA to and from the preserve and picnic lunch are included.

Registration is required. To register, please visit

Where to Meet

Meet at Los Trancos Parking Area on Page Mill Road (across from Monte Bello Preserve), 7 miles west of I-280 or 1.5 miles east of Skyline Boulevard. Those traveling from I-280 on Page Mill Rd. should allow approximately 35 minutes travel time.


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